The previous and the current economic activities and roles in companies and organisations of Olivia Carvahlo Ribeiro Duarte are shown below. Additionally, the publications of SOGC (Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce) regarding Olivia Carvahlo Ribeiro Duarte are listed. More information can be found under the corresponding menu items.

Olivia Carvahlo Ribeiro Duarte



Excerpt from current roles of Olivia Carvahlo Ribeiro Duarte in Swiss companies:



seit 27.02.2002

Excerpt from previous roles of Olivia Carvahlo Ribeiro Duarte in Swiss companies:

Recent SOGC publications regarding Olivia Carvahlo Ribeiro Duarte:

Kader Prokurist/in (with signing authority): VS Nouvelles inscriptions Casa Beira Mar, Duarte Dias, à Ardon, rue du Vieux-Village 11, 1957 Ardon, nouvelle raison individuelle. Objet de lentreprise: exploitation dun commerce dalimentation, notamment de spécialités portugaises; tous travaux de marbrerie. Personnes inscrites: Duarte Dias, Alfredo, citoyen portugais, à Ardon, titulaire, avec signature individuelle; De Carvahlo Ribeiro Duarte, Olivia, citoyenne portugaise, à Ardon, avec procuration individuelle. Journal no 326 du 21.02.2002 00360440