The previous and the current economic activities and roles in companies and organisations of Gaston Kozelko are shown below. Additionally, the publications of SOGC (Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce) regarding Gaston Kozelko are listed. More information can be found under the corresponding menu items.

Gaston Kozelko



Excerpt from current roles of Gaston Kozelko in Swiss companies:



seit 16.03.2005

Excerpt from previous roles of Gaston Kozelko in Swiss companies:

Recent SOGC publications regarding Gaston Kozelko:

Inhaber Inhaber/in (with sole signature): GE Mutations P.M.L, Chaillard et Kozelko, à Genève, CH-660-0867004-4, petites et moyennes livraisons (FOSC du 11.02.2005, p. 7). La société en nom collectif P.M.L, Chaillard et Kozelko est dissoute et radiée suite à la sortie de lassocié Chaillard Alain; Kozelko Gaston, jusquici associé, en continue les affaires sous la raison individuelle P.M.L, Kozelko, conformément à larticle 579 CO. Nouvelle raison de commerce: P.M.L, Kozelko. Kozelko Gaston, titulaire, signe désormais individuellement. Journal no 3203 du 10.03.2005 02749426