The previous and the current economic activities and roles in companies and organisations of Stéphane Mourachoff are shown below. Additionally, the publications of SOGC (Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce) regarding Stéphane Mourachoff are listed. More information can be found under the corresponding menu items.

Stéphane Mourachoff



Excerpt from current roles of Stéphane Mourachoff in Swiss companies:



seit 10.12.2009

Excerpt from previous roles of Stéphane Mourachoff in Swiss companies:

Recent SOGC publications regarding Stéphane Mourachoff:

Eintritt in member (authorized signatory (with one other)): VD Mutations ArtOptique Pully SA, à Pully, CH-550-1033989-3, exploitation de magasins doptique, articles de lunetterie et verres de contact (FOSC du 05.06.2009, p. 24/5052552). Manzini Jean-Claude et Spühler Laurent ne sont plus administrateurs; leur signature est radiée. Nouveaux administrateurs avec signature collective à deux: Badoil Thierry, de France, à Blonay, président, et Mourachoff Stéphane, de France, à Lausanne. Journal no 19998 du 04.12.2009 05386412