The previous and the current economic activities and roles in companies and organisations of Tiago José Vilela Moutinho are shown below. Additionally, the publications of SOGC (Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce) regarding Tiago José Vilela Moutinho are listed. More information can be found under the corresponding menu items.

Tiago José Vilela Moutinho



Excerpt from current roles of Tiago José Vilela Moutinho in Swiss companies:



seit 19.12.2005

Excerpt from previous roles of Tiago José Vilela Moutinho in Swiss companies:

Recent SOGC publications regarding Tiago José Vilela Moutinho:

Gesellschafter Kollektivges. Gesellschafter/in (with sole signature): FR Nouvelles inscriptions LAuberge du Lion dor, Vilela Moutinho & Co., à Haut-Intyamon, Neirivue, CH-217-3534542-3. Société en nom collectif qui a commencé le 12.12.2005. But: exploitation de lHôtel-Restaurant Auberge du Lion dor. Associés: Rodrigues Borges Moutinho Helena Cristina, de France, à Neirivue, et Vilela Moutinho Tiago José, du Portugal, à Neirivue, tous deux avec signature individuelle. Journal no 5064 du 13.12.2005 03155182